What does space look like, if it had roads?

# Objective

Your goal is to get to the end of the level (marked by the green, spinning exit), in the least time possible, while burning the least fuel.

The way to do this is to stay as close to the "filament" as you can - the _friction of space_ (I know) is lower here, meaning you can go further and faster.

Be warned though, the filament is dangerous! Staying _too_ close for too long will fry your ship!

### Difficulties

- Apprentice: Simple, relatively short stages

- Journeyman: Slightly longer stages, with more complicated filaments

- Master: Each stage has a gimmick that makes it harder than the vanilla stages!

# How to Play

Use W/Up to thrust, A/D or Left/Right to turn, and R to restart the level.

You can hit escape at any time to go back to the level select.

## Mobile

The webpage is _technically_ functional on mobile, but the experience isn't incredible. Your milage may vary. Hit the on-screen buttons rather than trying to type, and it should work for you.

# Thoughts

I loved this Jam - it's been my first solo effort. Spent the first hour or so coming up with totally overzealous ideas. The word "Space" really sang out to me in the end, so I knew I wanted to make something space based, so then it became about putting limits on space. I was essentially inspired by the whole idea of "hyperspace" and getting past the speed limit that is light. Initially the mood of the game in my head was slightly more grandiose (when isn't it for a Jam?), however as soon as I got a primitive version of the game going with the mechanic, I was hooked. It's subtle, but you can definitely feel it, and I really liked the "push your luck" feel of it combined with the feeling of having to constrain yourself even though space is infinite around you.

This has also been my first Jam with Godot over Unity (thanks for that whole licencing debacle, finally pushed me over the edge), and honestly I don't think I'm ever going back. Even with having to use V3 rather than V4 for access to Web + C#, the whole thing went really smoothly.


Windows.zip 27 MB

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